The story of Spider-Man begins with a young high school student named Peter Parker. During an experiment, he is bitten by a radioactive spider. This bite gives the student incredible powers and abilities. Peter becomes aware of his new strengths. He decides to use them to fight crime and protect innocents. To keep his identity a secret, he dresses in a blue and red suit.
Peter Parker is not only a superhero, but also a brilliant scientist. He invents a canvas projection device that allows him to swing from one building to another and fight criminals. He also uses his knowledge to create a variety of gadgets that support him in his mission.
Spider-Man is the product of the collaborative efforts of Stan Lee, the legendary writer and co-founder of Marvel Comics, and Steve Ditko, a talented comic book artist. Together, they first brought Spider-Man to life in August 1962, in the comic book series Amazing Fantasy #15.